Subjective Atlas of Fryslân

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Dutch/Frysian/English, 192 full-colour pages, 16.5 x 22 cm

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Fryslân-as-identity is at a critical tilting moment. Slowly the contours of the nostalgic view are disappearing and our modern-day society is starting to ask new questions. What does it mean to live in Fryslân nowadays? What characterizes the everyday life? How is the past represented in the future? An enthusiastic group of designers and visual artists that live or have lived in Fryslân has answered these questions and has mapped the province from within. The overall result is a collection of images that perhaps exposes the current soul of Fryslân. The topics range from self-sufficiency to home care, from farms to high-rise buildings, from ‘Oranjekoeken’ to visual art. Sometimes the contributions are moving, other times they show the harsh reality. Some draw lines along the horizon, right through the Frisian households. This atlas has become a poetic form of anthropology that questions the current identity of Fryslân, going beyond nostalgia and clichés.


Design platform Keunstwurk organises workshops for designers, to develop projects in the creative sector that have the core qualities of Fryslân as a starting point and enforce the design climate of the province. The Subjective Atlas of Fryslân was such a project and took place in the framework of subsidies that have been made available by the Province of Fryslân. Over the course of 3 months several workshops were organized in 2013 at the Academy of Popcultuur (Leeuwarden) where more then 30 Frysian artists, designers and students mapped their view on this expetional province.

CURATOR: Roelof Koster
EDITOR: Annelys de Vet, in collaboration with Jan Pier Brands, Hugo Engwerda, Roelof Koster, Jenne-Pieter Stiemsma
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Jenne-Pieter Stiemsma, Annelys de Vet in collaboration with all contributors

CONTRIBUTORS: Marleen Andela, Martijn van Bachum, Agnita Bloemendal, Lisa Boels, Menno Boersma, Johan Bouwhuis, Jan Pier Brands, Lotte Bredewold, Mark Buitenwerf, Max Bruinsma, Fokke Draaijer, Hugo Engwerda, Anne Faber, Frouke Feijen, Rebekka Fries, Dirk van Ginkel, Mark van Houten, Marga Houtman, Hans van Houwelingen, Gerdie de Jong, Marijke Jongbloed, Nynke-Rixt Jukema, Jaco Kalfsbeek, Roelof Koster, Hilda Klaassen, Wietske Lycklama à Nijeholt , Frank Moezelaar, Tryntsje Nauta, Tanja pomstra, Adri Schokker, Nynke Smit, Jenne-Pieter Stiemsma, Rudi Stuve, Adam Taylor, Susan Ubels, Annelys de Vet, Monique Vogelsang, Marcel Westra, Xanne Wijkamp