Subjective Atlas of the EU, from an Estonian point of view

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English, 112 full-colour pages, 14.5 x 20,8 cm

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The EU is a set of agreements of a growing union. This political concept is at a far distance of the citizens themselves. If we can’t relate to it, we won’t be able to influence it either. The true Europe is based on culture. To feel attached we need to distinguish and preserve the differences. We have to construct new narratives. Not in order to change, but to be able to exchange the alternating perceptions of cultural concepts, and to stay at a safe distance of the magnetic fields of mass-media.

The subjective ‘Atlas of the European Union, from an Estonian point of view’ is a compilation of actual thoughts and views of more than thirty young Estonian designers. They have used their own fascinations to map their European Union.


This atlas is the result of a 3-week workshop at the Estonian Academy of Arts held by Annelys de Vet, on the invitation of Kristjan Mändmaa, 13 – 31 october 2004. The atlas was printed in an edition of 500 and launched together with an exhibition at the end of the workshop. This project was kindly supported by the Dutch Ministry of Culture and the Royal Netherlands Embassy.

CONCEPT & DESIGN: Annelys de Vet
PROJECT MANAGER: Kristjan Mändmaa

CONTRIBUTORS: Sonja Apunnikova, Jaan Evart, Grete Gutmann, Mikk Heinsoo, Igor Hobotov, Sirkel Indrek, Kristjan Jagomägi, Tõnu Kaalep, Eerik Kändler, Irina Kljujeva, Anton Koovit, Sandra Kossorotova, Daniel Kotsjuba, Ivari Lipp, Kristjan Mändmaa, Ingvar Meen, Kadri-Maria Mitt, Margo Nitt, Kaarel Nõmmik, Marina Ottmaa, Väino Õun, Samuel Vincent Paal, Koit Randmäe, Ruudu Remmelgas, Erko Rundu, Rain Saavel, Silver Seeblum, Marek Tihkan, Anu Vahtra, Annelys de Vet, Helene Vetik